SpilBar 47: Hitman Baby, one more time.
21 years ago he made his first hit. Ever since then Agent 47 has been one of the most iconic game characters in history. In this special SpilBar 47 made in collaboration with IO Interactive, we will explore and experience the world, character, story and legacy of Hitman. How the game kickstarted a new vein in the Danish game industry, what the public impact was and how you keep a bald and silent assassin fresh for two decades.
Everybody is welcome and no sign-up needed.
16:30: Welcome
16:40: Agent 47 for for 23 years – Travis Barbour, Communications Manager – IO Interactive
Join IO Interactive for a light-hearted look back at 20 years of Agent 47. From the original pitch document of the first game to the dramatic conclusion of the latest trilogy in 2021, get ready for rapid-fire anecdotes, videos and insights into how the Hitman franchise has evolved since 1998.
17:05: Always dressed to the occasion: Agent 47, pop culture and game history – Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen, IT-University of Copenhagen.
Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen will take us on a journey into the history of Agent 47 and how game history and pop culture influenced the series right from the first game.
17:30: Sådan blev en Hitman skabt … – Søren E. Jakobsen, former chairman of IO Interactive, former CEO of Nordisk Film and Egmont
Nordisk Film var med deres investering i IO Interactive afgørende for at sparke udviklingen af den danske spilbranche i gang. Men hvorfor besluttede de sig for at investere i spil, og hvorfor blev det lige IO-Interactive? I dette oplæg fortæller fhv. direktør for Nordisk film, Søren E. Jakobsen, om tankerne og processen (og hurdlerne) bag skabelsen af Danmarks første AAA-udvikler, tiden som en del af IO-Interactive og afslutningen af Nordisk Films engagement med salget til Eidos.
Note: This talk is in Danish)
Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen
Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen is a postdoc at the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen. In her PhD dissertation Ida studied representation in games. Her research revolves around games as cultural artifacts, the media history of games and intersections between games and other media.
Travis Barbour
Travis has spent the last 10 years at IOI talking about Hitman, almost non-stop. He’s written some words about the Hitman games, books, movies, comics and even eggcups that have been released by IOI since 2011. He’s currently the Communications Manager and making great plans for the studio’s future games and projects.
Søren E. Jakobsen
Worked with shipping at A.P. Møller, then called the shots at Denmarks Radio for 23 years as general manager. CEO for Nordisk Film from 1996-2002 and CEO for Egmont 2002-2005. Søren was also the chairman of IO Interactive until they were bought by Square Enix. Now independent consultant in the media business.
About SpilBar
SpilBar is operated by Vision Denmark in collaboration with the Danish National Film School.
The SpilBar format was developed by Interactive Denmark, Thomas Vigild and DADIU, represented by Kristine Ploug.
The logo is designed by Pernille Sihm.
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