Digital Tech Summit
På Digital Tech Summit kan du styrke dit netværk, blive opdateret med den nyeste viden inden for digitale teknologier og blive inspireret af over 200 indlægsholdere og 70 udstillere.
Eventen har i år særligt fokus på, hvordan digitalisering, kunstig intelligens, robotter og virtual reality kan bidrage med at løse store udfordringer inden for bl.a. bæredygtighed, sundhed og vækst.
Vision Denmark er partner på årets event og har derfor fornøjelsen af at tilbyde vores medlemmer 50 pct. rabat på deres billet.
Tilmeld dig på www.digital-tech-summit.com og brug rabatkoden, du har fået tilsendt pr mail for at få adgang til eventet til en fordelagtig pris (pris: 498 kr., normalpris: 995 kr.). Hvis du er medlem og ikke har fået tilsendt en rabatkode, så kontakt fluks Liv Saalbach på tlf. 51325794 eller mail: lsh@visiondenmark.dk.
Digital Tech Summit bringer over 5000 beslutningstagere, virksomheder, ingeniører, akademikere, startups, investorer og studerende sammen for at redefinere teknologilederskab, den digitale, bæredygtige transformation af teknologi i industrien og samfundet. Det er den største af sin slags i Norden.
Hvor og hvornår?
Digital Tech Summit 2021 åbner dørene op for publikum den 30. november og 1. december 2021 i Øksnehallen/DGI-Byen i København. Fagligt program, keynote sessions og messeudstilling fra klokken 9:00 til klokken 17:00 begge dage.
Vision Denmark er involveret i følgende sessioner:
AI Session 1: Humane AI
November 30. at 11:00-12:15
The technologies behind artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and impacts human society. How do we develop and facilitate a European brand of trustworthy, ethical AI that enhances Human capabilities and empowers citizens and society to effectively deal with the challenges of an interconnected globalized world? How do your company deal with the challenges AI?
- David Dreyer Lassen, Prorector, University of Copenhagen
- Naja Holten Møller, Assistant Professor, DIKU, KU
- Lars Maaløe, CTO, Corti
- Joachim Bingel, co-founder Hero
- Niels Zibrandtsen, Chairman, Zibra,
- Anders Pall Skött, manager University of Copenhagen SCIENCE AI Center
Recommendation systems
November 30. at 14:30-15:45
This session will focus on recommendations systems. How are they used and what should you be aware of. The session is hosted by Vision Denmark in collaboration with University of Copenhagen.
Scientific Talk: “A Brief Introduction to Recommender Systems“, Maria Maistro, post-doc., Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Business Talk: “FullBrain is the first social network for learners”, Panos Filianos, CEO, Fullbrain
Business Talk: “What are we optimizing?”, Kaare Danielsen, CEO, Jobindex
Business Talk: Hans-Kristian Bjerregaard, clerk.io
Vision Day 1: Enter the World of Virtual and Augmented Reality
December 1; 10:00-11:15
What do an increasing number of university researchers and technology-driven companies have in common? An interest in using VR and AR to simulate new realities, add information to the world, create engaging experiences and do research that would be impossible or very costly in the real world. At this session, we present selected research and industry cases, where VR or AR has been in focus as a scientific method, a research objective or experimental way of improving results.
Introduction: Jakob Andreas Bærentzen, associate professor, DTU
Scientific Talk: “DTU, what are we working on and how can that be used in the industry” Jakob Andreas Bærentzen , DTU
Scientific Talk: “Perspectives of using Virtual Reality for Movement Learning – the scientific work on KU and how high pressure situations at Rigshospitalet are trained using VR”, Joanna Bergström, Associate Professor, KU
Business Talk/Scientific Talk: “How you can train people using VR and save time and money”, Fei YU, SDU, showcasing together with Danfoss, Christian Bork
Business Talk: “Dalux presents helpdesk and how they are working with researchers”, Bent Dalgaard, CTO, Dalux
AI Session 3: How Danish AI SMEs create values today. Tools and impact with AI
December 1st. 10:00-11:15
In this session we present a number of Danish SMEs and companies the made a substantial business impact with AI. Artificial Intelligence could trigger a new production revolution and radically transforming business practices and conditions. Many Danish SMEs and companies utilize AI and deliver AI services and create value for their customers.
- Stephen Alstrup, Professor, DIKU, serial entrepreneur, founder of Supwiz
- Søren Odsgaard, DSV/Supwiz
- Steen Petersen, Cofounder & CTO, Syncsense
- Asger Alstrup Palm, CTO, Area9
- Tariq Osman Andersen, Head of Research, VitalBeats
- Diana My Frodi, PhD Research Fellow, Rigshospitalet Heart Centre
- Jes Andersen, Copenhagen Science City
- In collaboration with KU SCIENCE AI Center and DIREC
Vision Denmarks aktiviteter under Digital Tech Summit er støttet af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen.
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